Subhash Vadilal Brahmbhatt


• Prof. Dr. Subhash Vadilal Brahmbhatt an eminent versatile personality of international stature.

• Prof. Dr Subhash Brahmbhatt is en ex-principal of H.K.Arts College one of the most reputed colleges of Gujarat. He is an Ex-President of AICPA.

• At present He is the Director of Shreyarth University, Ahmedabad.

• He has been an eminent professor and researcher of Indian Culture – Indology.

• He has been a "UGC Nominated Research scholar” - Indo - Spanish Academic Exchange Program, New Delhi, - 2006-7.

• He has been awarded “Ph.D. hon." by H.E. the Governor of Gujarat Shri O. P. Kohli as 1st Indologist of Gujarat on 3rd May 2018.

• He has earned many prestigious designating and appointment as the Academic and Administrative fields; following are but a few to mention:

• Nominated member of World Water Forum Conference held at Denhug, Netherland.

• UGC Nominated Board Member of Autonomous colleges for development, Rani Durgavati Univ., Jabalpur, MP.

• UGC Nominated Nodal Officer of XIth plan for Gujarat's Universities.

• Chairman, Fine Arts Faculty, Guj. Univ., Ahmedabad.

• He has received numerous academic Awards, a few of them are: 'Rashtriya Vidya Gaurav Award" by International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi, 2007.

• Best Documentary Film Director awarded by the C.M. of Gujarat for the Film made for Information Department, Gujarat State, 2006.

• He has been having wide teaching and Administrative experience. He is Know for innovative Contributions in teaching.

• He has published innumerable articles in National and International Seminars and conferences. Has innumerable books and documentary films in his account. Delivered lectures as keynote speakers, presided many International Conferences.

• A few glimpses would not Suffice to comprehend his towering personality : he has been an actor, director, editor, filmmaker, writer and so on.