Her qualification is MA, M.Ed, PhD in Education
Her work status is Teaching, she was lecture 1971 to 2002, Principal in Education College at Bardoli in the year 2002to 2003, Principal in Bharuch Education College 2009to 2012
She has 35 years of working experience. Her last post was as a Principal
Her other Social activities:
She joined in Lioness Club Bilimora in 1989-90, Club president in 2000-2001.
Then she became Region Co Ordinater in 2008-09, Dist. Secretary in 2012-13, Lions club Yugma in 2008-09, Club president in 2013-14, Dis. Chairperson:-From 2009 to continue 2021-2022
She is Life member in All India women Association, Senior Citizen Club, Ladies Club,
She has published informative book for Social awareness, on Kailash Mansarowar-2007, co-author in publish Book “Pusti Panth”
Her Interests are in Writing, Reading, Social & Cultural Activities.