Girima Gharekhan


  • Educational     Background: M.A., B.Ed. in English and Special English.
  • Residence:     Stayed in Muscat for 30 years post-marriage, started writing after     returning to India.
  • Publications:some text
    • Authored 15 books within 6 years, including short stories, laghukathas, children's stories, novels, and research-based works.
    • Won numerous awards for her books, including all five Gujarat Sahitya Academy  Awards, Anju Narashi Awards, Narmad Sahitya Sabha Award, Asait Sahitya      Sabha Awards, and 15 other awards for stories in different competitions.
    • Regularly published in renowned Gujarati magazines.
    • Stories  selected in many short story collections and translated into Hindi, English, Marathi, and Oriya, published in respective language magazines.
    • Published a translated collection of stories in Oriya.
  • Audio     Contributions:some text
    • Stories uploaded on YouTube in audio format (Kathayan and others).
    • Two books converted into audio format for the blind.
    • Invited as a storyteller on Aakashvani radio for the Amritdhara program.
  • Membership     and Editorial Roles:some text
    • Member of Gujarat Sahitya Parishad (2018-2020) by direct appointment to the      Madhyasth Committee.
    • Co-Editor of 'Vishwa' magazine published in Nishra of 'Vishwakosh'.
    • Editor of “Bal Anand”, a magazine for children.