Academic Qualifications: M.A., Ph.D., .NET.
She has 22 year of teaching experience and 18 years of Research experience.
Five Ph.D. students Guided, out of which 1 has been awarded and 4 are still ongoing Her seven books are published.
More then 10 Research Papers Published (National Journals) Two Research Papers Published (in Book Form).
Six Paper Presented in International Conference More then 55 Paper Presented in National Conference.
Areas of Research Interest: women’s Studies, Linguistics ,environment studies, mediaeval Literature, Folk literature, comparative studies, translated studies, Indian literature , Modern and Post modern Gujarati Literature.
Others: Heading and was coordinator in SAP-DRS-phase-III in the Department of Gujarati(2013-14 to 2017-18).
Chairperson of BOS in Gujarati from 2014 to 2017 On panel of IQAC,CAS in Mumbai and Gujarat Panel of many Governments competitive exam Given more then 25 lectures for orientation and Refresher course in Academic staff college,Ahemdavad.
Arranged and coordinated 19 Interdisciplinary seminars.