Baldev Mori

Hindi Vinit, M.Phil, NET. MA in Gujarati, Ph.D. (Pursuing)

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I have been associated with Mahatama Gandhi’s established Gujarat Vidyapith as a student and was fortunate enough to get employment here in a teaching position just after my formal education was over. Even as a Ph.D. scholar I have been preparing my doctoral treatise in affiliation with Gujarat Vidyapith.

Since, Gujarat Vidyapith is an institution functioning on the Gandhian philosophy where we incorporate three Hs to mold the students not just as graduates with a professional degree, our endeavors go in the direction of making him/her as a responsible citizen who inculcates in his/her personal as well as in professional life the basic principles of Truth, Love, and Compassion. I have actively contributed to the designing of the syllabi of Gujarati Language and Literature which orients the students towards these ideals.

I have also participated in more than 40 national/international level seminars and conferences and presented research papers.

Since my basic field of research is Folk literature and Folk knowledge system, I have delivered numerous talks on various topics related to it.

I am also associated with various committees and literary circles which keeps me abreast with all the latest trends and talks, emerging influences, and novel ideas being experimented with at different levels in literary circles.

Overall, I am a voracious reader and like to spend much of my quality time in the company of Books.