Neeta Hardikar, feminist activist, co-founder and Executive Director of ANANDI, began her journey in early 90’s with a unique program – Mahila Samakhya, supported by the Govt of India for the empowerment of rural women.
ANANDI focuses on bringing rural women’s concerns to the centre of all development processes in districts of Dahod, Panchmahals, Morbiand Bhavnagar in Gujarat, keeping leadership of local women at the core.Capacity building of women and youth leaders and building collective voices at every step of work is the core strategy. This contributes to movements and campaigns demanding people’s right to food, health, work, social protection and violence free society for women in collaboration with the institutions of local self-governance, civil society, grassroots organisations and the state-led programs to institutionalise gender equality. She is part of the leadership group of several regional and national campaigns.