
Sahitya Rasik Vrund

United Kingdom

About Chapter

Chapter Ambassador

Nayna Patel

To introduce myself, my life has to be divided into two parts.The former means the life from birth to marriage and the life period aftermarriage and leaving India for the UK.”

UK-based Nayanaben Patel has to start from her childhood tointroduce her talent.

Today, Nayanabehan is an accomplished writer. She credits herchildhood love of reading to the beginning of writer.

Naturally and mostly happens with everyone, Nayanabehn lived avery simple life without any responsibilities before marriage. Naynabhen'schildhood passed with a precious legacy of reading from the very beginning.

Due to Bapuji's fondness for reading, Nayanabehn hadtwelve months' issues of Akhand Anand, Kumar, Samarpan before her birth in thelibrary of the house, which increased her love for reading as he read. Rightfrom her school days, Kanaiyalal Munshi read the novels of various novelists,from Darshak to well-known novels. After that, Nayanabehan's reading isGujaratan