Nita Bhagat

Educator, Literature, Writer


Prof. Dr. Nita Bhagat is an accomplished academic who holds a degree in M.A. and Ph.D. She has a rich professional background, having served as the Head and Retired Professor at The Department of Gujarati in The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Additionally, she has held the position of Co-ordinator for the UGC-DRS Programme in Gujarati, based in New Delhi.

Dr. Bhagat's doctoral research project focused on the Formalistic Approach in Gujarati Creative Writing and Criticism since 1950, shedding light on the intricacies of this literary field. She has also undertaken a Minor Research Project on "The Relationship between Literature and Philosophy" under the auspices of UGC (New Delhi).

As a guiding teacher, Dr. Bhagat has mentored and supervised the successful completion of Ph.D. degrees for four students, demonstrating her expertise and dedication to academic guidance. She has also published books on subjects such as "Rooprachanavad" and "Chaitanyalakshi Vivechan," contributing to the scholarly discourse in Gujarati literature.

Dr. Bhagat's influence extends beyond her home university. She has served as a visiting professor at the Department of Gujarati in Mumbai University since 2000, as well as at Sardar Patel University in VV Nagar during the academic year 2020-2021. Her expertise has been recognized through her participation as a resource person at academic staff colleges in Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Vallabh Vidhyanagar. Additionally, she has served as an expert and panel artist for All India Radio (AIR) in Vadodara.

Throughout her career, Dr. Nita Bhagat has made significant contributions to the field of Gujarati literature through her research, teaching, and publication endeavors. Her expertise and dedication have earned her a respected position among scholars and universities, both within and beyond Gujarat.